Aries are known to be independent, go-getters, and like to venture out.白羊座的人一般被认为是独立的、有志向的以及热爱冒险的。Aries are curious, energetic and enthusiastic.白羊座充满好奇、活力、热情。Liking excitement push Aries into new territories.向往刺激和兴奋让白羊座不断探索、创新。Aries like to make things happen rather than being mere spectators.袖手旁观不是白羊座的性格,个个都是实干家。
Taureans are known for being ambitious, reliable, and practical.金牛座的人被认为是有野心的、可靠且务实的。Taurus have an eye for beauty.金牛座对美丽的事物独具慧眼啊。They tend to be good with finances.金牛座是理财小能手呢。
Gemini are clever and intellectual.双子座真的真的非常聪明、有智慧。Gemini can also be tense and restless.双子座的人生很紧张、很忙碌啊。Gemini are broad-minded and easy-going, are adjustable individuals as the desire to enjoy every moment.双子座心胸宽广、随和,向往享受每一刻。Gemini: Engages in intellectual conversations with the older relatives until they become cranky with confusion.双子:忙着和长辈谈天论地,直到连他们自己也被搞懵了。
Cancer are complicated and home-loving.巨蟹座的个性较复杂,他们很爱家的。Cancer love to be in a familiar surroundings and nurture their relationships.巨蟹座喜欢自己熟悉的环境,他们很善于培养关系哟。
Leo are warm, action-oriented and driven by the desire they loved.狮子座是温暖的行动派,为爱所驱型。Leo love to be in the limelight, and they are possessive.狮子座喜欢成为众人的焦点,当然,他们的占有欲非常强。
Virgo are undemonstrative and introverted.处女座是比较含蓄和内向的。Virgo are wise, witty and well-spoken.处女座的人聪明、敏慧,并且谈吐文雅。Virgo have good understanding and can effectively help people solve their problems.处女座善解人意,也能有效地帮助他人解决问题。
Libra are kind, gentle and lovers of beauty, harmony and peace.天秤座善良、温柔、美丽,是和谐与和平的爱好者。Libra do effort to keep everyone happy, find it difficult to say 'NO'.天秤座总是努力地让身边每个人都开心,很难说“不”。
Scorpio are strong willed and mysterious.天蝎座意志坚强,并且看上去很神秘哟。Scorpio know how to grab the limelight.天蝎天生知晓如何成为众人焦点。Scorpio have a magnetic charm.天蝎座具有神奇的吸引力,很难抵挡。
Sagittarius are optimistic and always look at the brighter side of things.射手座充满乐观的正能量,看未来总是光明一片。Sagittarius are popular but sometimes they are players.射手座人缘好极了,但当心他们可能会花心哟。
Capricorn have wisdom and stability.摩羯座有智慧,个性也较稳定。Capricorn are sensitive and secure in their own space.他们很敏感,并且觉得在自己熟悉的地方比较有安全感。Capricorn do not take impulsive decisions but will act aggressively to get what they want.摩羯座不会做事冲动,但一旦想要什么就不会手软啊。
Aquarius are strong and attractive.水瓶座是非常有能力也很有吸引力的。Aquarius are equally good at thinking and practical things.水瓶座的思考和实践一样都棒棒哒。Aquarius are very popular in their circles.水瓶座的人通常是群体中心哟。
Pisces are generous and emotional.双鱼座慷慨大方、浪漫多情。Pisces value human relations the most.双鱼座最重视人际关系。Pisces put the people they love above everything else.双鱼座信奉爱人至上主义。